Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Lunch at the Office

Lunch at my office building is a highlight every day. It’s a huge 10 story building and the top floor is dedicated as a cafeteria of sorts, except each office has their own cook that makes meals for that particular company. Since my work is just three people right now, including me, we share a huge office space with an IT company with about 60 people. Every day around one, we call go up to the 10th floor and get our lunch. It’s always all vegetarian because most people in south India are veg and there are always 3-4 dishes, bread and rice, and it’s all served on a platter with a big leaf over top, for easier cleanup. It’s really neat and different (to me, normal to them), the company eats together which is a kind of team building thing, and people in the IT company have been telling my coworkers how much they like that I come. They’ve had some westerners visit over the years for a couple month and none of them ate lunch with the company, apparently. I like the idea of fitting it, but I’m also in it for the food, it’s free and delicious! I’m still getting used to eating it with just my right hand without making a huge mess and I’m learning how to break the bread with one hand but I’m getting better day by day. Who knows, at this rate I might never use silverware again! I can imagine sitting down to a fancy steak or spaghetti dinner and scarfing it down just with my right hand- who wants to dine with me when I get back??? Love, Greg.


  1. Wow! That sounds really cool! Eating on a leaf is always exciting--so is free lunch and you eating with all of your coworkers! It sounds like you lucked out and work with some pretty nice people over there! Does your office (and flat) have air conditioning?

    Keep posting!
    Jenny R.

  2. I want to see you eat your favorite lasagne
    with a leaf!! The leaf looks firm, almost
    like a shell, is it easy to scoop or what?
    I notice in your 4th picture, your hand
    is positioned exactly like your friends'!!!
    and I am always ready to dine with you.....

  3. Wow- two of my favorite Laytonsville people posting! Jenny, I did luck out, my office mates are great- we're already joking around and having fun. And, fortunatly, both the office and my bedroom in the flat have A/C- good thing too cause it was 104 today! Unfortunatly the bus does not so I work up something pretty gross on my 20 minute ride (plus about a 20 minute walk). Mom, the leaf is firm and easy to scoop things off of and, it looks pretty, at least to me. It makes cleanup really easy too since it shelters the plate from all the delicousness. I think we will definitley have to eat lasagne on a leaf with our hands when I get back!

  4. The best use of a blog I've actually read. Keep posting. I'll keep reading. Enjoy yourself. Sounds like you're starting to really fit in and find your place. Now I want some Indian food.

  5. I've always been terrible about mixing up my right & my left (used to get kicked out of "Twister" for being left/right-retarded) - I'd probably poison myself. Then again, I'd never (willingly) poo on my hand. I'm definitely sending you a care package with those little packs of pocket tissues. Thumbs up for cultural immersion, but you shouldn't have to reserve a whole hand for poo!
