Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Rickshaws/Three Wheelers/Tuk Tuks

A couple thoughts about these things: These guys are about as talented as a driver can be, they can fit into super tight spots (between two huge buses or SUVs for example), dodge oncoming/ crossing traffic and somehow get you where you’re going without killing you. This is a truly amazing feat because there is not really any structure to them, just some sheet metal, three wheels and a scooter engine. I had one take a offramp the wrong way the other day. I was like 'what are you doing' as we approached an oncoming bus and he was all like 'shortcut sir, shortcut' but somehow squeezed between the bus and jersey wall. One crappy thing is that Chennai is the only city that doesn’t enforce them having meters, so you have to haggle every time you want a ride. This can be a pain but if you say your price and walk away, they’ll usually pull up alongside you and tell you to get in. I’ve been paying about 200 rupees (US $4.00) for a 40 minute rick ride to the other side of town but the locals tell me I’m still overpaying. Another bad thing about them is that because there are no doors, you are exposed to all the pollution that the Indian roadways have to offer, which is A LOT, especially with buses and plenty of motorcycles that are spewing thick smoke. Other than that, I love ‘em, it’s cheap and an adventure every time, I always get out feeling lucky to be alive. I’m gonna sweet talk a driver to let me drive one late night one of these days when there’s no traffic- I gotta give it a try! Here’s a word of caution if you are to try one though:


The margins are so tight here as I said that it is extremely dangerous to have any part of your body outside of your car or rick. I had an elbow out of the rick a couple days back and my colleague told me how bad of an idea it was. Not two minutes later we came within what seemed like millimeters of a bus, I’m glad he said something. Then, this week, I was in a rick and had one foot slightly out of the side, maybe just an inch. We were stopped at a light and along came a motorcycle and his foot actually touched mine. Not a big deal but I gotta remember keep my extremities in the vehicle at all times! Don’t they tell you that when you’re getting on a roller coaster???


  1. Oh no! Definitely keep everything inside at all times--we want to see you back home in one piece!!!

    P.S. I showed my mom your blog, and she loves it! She is not the most computer-savvy, so I will need to show it to her periodically so she can keep up with you!

  2. P.S. Oops..."jabavas28x" is Jenny R!

  3. Hey Jenny- congrats on your engagement and send my love to Momma R!
