So, I’m back Maryland about two weeks now and am starting to get my bearings. There was a question on where I was to live when I got back but that has been resolved- I’ll be working in Mountain View in the San Francisco bay area. I’m excited to live somewhere new although I missed my ‘native place’ while I was in India and will miss it again. In India, one of the most common questions is “What is your native place”, or sometimes just “What’s your native?”. Being away for six months made me realize how much I missed my family and friends back here but it also made me realize I can make it somewhere new and be fine- if I could make it work in Chennai, I’m sure I can do the same in California.
What to say about my six months in India? I feel like I just scratched the surface but six months was long enough for me to at least get a taste of what life is like there. I am indebted for life to my coworkers and all the strangers that befriended me and helped me navigate just living life. I have a special place in my heart for India now and the country has truly left its mark (and a few scars) on me. There’s no way I can do justice to what I experinced there but some of my favorite parts were the generosity and caring of the people I encountered, the natural beauty, the incredible food- I swear I didn't miss eating meat the food is so good, the combination of ancient and modern cultures and the sense of excitement and progress in the air over there as India is becoming a world power at unprecedented speeds. I can’t wait to go back and I hope to bring friends and family next time!
So…. For the blog, I am officially back and my Indian adventure is over for now. I plan to be going back several times over the next bit but nothing is concrete yet. That being said, I would still like to use the blog to update people on what’s happening with me and also maybe some random thoughts I have/will have about India and America. I have a backlog of stuff from the Indian headwag and Prime Minister Singh’s recent visit to Washington (my native place) to swapping notes Chennai’s best bootleggers and the preservatives they put into Kingfisher beer over there. Stay tuned!