In the professional environment, everyone has a collared shirt on back home. Outside of that, people prefer t-shirts, especially on hot summer days. Here in Tamil Nadu, no one wears t-shirts, save a few younger people (including my friends at work). Almost EVERYONE wears a collar here it seems like. The poorest people, those living on the streets, doing construction- everyone. And it’s damn hot here! I don’t really get it and this is another area where I’ve asked around- ‘what’s this all about’ but have yet to get an acceptable answer. Just a different style I guess but I feel like I’m totally out of place it whenever I walk around with a T on.
Also, shorts are almost unheard of except again, with a few younger people. Pants everywhere- I just don’t get it, it’s too hot for that! Fortunately, some people cool off here with traditional Indian legwear called a lungi. I kinda want to get one but I’m still not sure how it would be taken. I’ve heard it called a manskirt by some expats but I don’t think that term does it justice, it’s usually worn by more working class people that would totally kick your ass so I wouldn’t be caught calling it that. It’s certainly cooler and breezier than pants and if I was a local I would totally wear it. The great thing about being here is I feel out of place and get stared at anyways so might as well just be more out of place and wear my shorts and a t-shirt. Just an observation.
I gotta say, the buttoned shirt with no t is really breathable. Also, I gotta say go lungi, at least it's not this crap. Stay cool homey!